I cannot help but let the mood go down to the deep.
It declined as time ticked by.
Even I tried to pull up, this moment, I felt along.
Darling, I miss you, I cannot wait to get back to your side!

Runnig away from southern point in the dark,
staying in a small and shabby hotel, waiting for the dawn,
Transferring the stations and finding a fast way home.
My heart was just like the high speed train galloping on the rail!

After going through two days of laughter and lost,
overcoming the whole day audit challenge,
I felt mentally and physically pounded, but I won't be defeated.

Tonight, I am back in my lovely land with exhausted heart and body.
This moment, darling, I lie down on the bed with you beside me,
I know I can fully relax and get a sweet sleep!

Tomorrow, I have to face the world again with vigor.

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